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A rear courtyard on Zgierska Street, a corner of the Old Market Square
One of the houses located on the Old Market Square as viewed from its rear courtyard. While many residences in the Old Town seemed quite presentable from the front, sadly, some backyards were the very image of poverty and desolation.
Tags: dwellings, everyday life, markets, poverty
Wąska Street (Bałuty)
Wąska Street — a perfect name, if ever there was one, for this narrow street found in Bałuty. The wooden structures and fences, lack of sidewalks, cobblestone surface and rain gutter all add to its lackluster appearance. Several barefoot children,…
Tags: dwellings, everyday life, children, poverty
Inspection at a delousing facility
World War I was a difficult time for Łódź inhabitants. Food and supplies aid for the poorest residents was overseen and coordinated by local government—initially by the Main Citizens' Council and later by the City Hall and City Council. These local…
Tags: healthcare, poverty, social welfare
Men having their hair shorn at a delousing facility
This delousing facility was but one of many in Łódź at the time of the First World War. Official policy required boys and men being treated at such facilities to have their heads shaved. Here we see this service rendered by a man in medical garb.
Tags: healthcare, poverty, social welfare
Obligatory disinfection of a residence at No. 14 Pańska Street
During World War I, the material and medical conditions in which Łódź residents lived were dire. The lack of detergents, especially of regular soap, made proper upkeep of personal hygiene nearly impossible. Communicable diseases such as cholera,…
Tags: healthcare, poverty, social welfare
Women having their hair shorn at a delousing facility
This photograph presents one of the many delousing facilities in Łódź at the time of the First World War. Official policy required girls and women being treated at such facilities to have their heads shaved. Here we see this service rendered by a man…
Tags: healthcare, poverty, social welfare
Impoverished Jews 3
This portrait of two Jewish women bears witness to the extent of the poverty Lodzers suffered in the World-War-I era. Though barefoot and dressed in rags, they are smiling thanks to the victuals in their baskets, which they procured for their…
Tags: commerce, everyday life, poverty
Impoverished Jews 4
From 1916 to 1918, nearly all industrial activity in Łódź came to a standstill—there was no work to be found, food staples were in short supply, and food prices had risen to several times their former value. Many Lodzer families became destitute and…
Tags: horse-drawn vehicles, poverty