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“In varshtat fun di poylishe velder” (In the workshop of the Polish Forests). Article.

fig7 Yidl mitn Fidl Literarishe Bleter] 24 September 1936.jpg
Ad for the premiere of Yidl mitn Fidl (Yidl with His Fiddle)

fig8 Z dybukiem Pages from FILM 11 July 1937 ( nr 19 year 3) p 11.jpg
“Z ‘Dybukiem” do Kazimierza” (With the Dibuk to Kazimierz)

fig9 Caricature FILM, 1 March 1939 (nr 7 year 5), p 1.jpg
“Sala konferencyjna w karykaturze” (Caricature of the conference room)

Film4 Der dibuk Death dance min 77 till min 78.mp4
Re-mastered at the National Center for Jewish Film at Brandeis University

Made in Poland (Warsaw: Alma-Film) and released in 1939, On a heym(Without a home) is the last Yiddish-language feature film produced before the Holocaust. This story of Jewish emigrants in America was directed by Aleksander Marten and featured…

Re-mastered at the National Center for Jewish Film at Brandeis University

Re-mastered at the National Center for Jewish Film at Brandeis University
Children's Preventorium, established in Łagiewniki in 1920 for children infected with tuberculosis. At this facility, children could rest in conditions favorable to their recovery. One of the establishment's founders, Seweryn Sterling was a…