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In 1927 the Łódź City Council established nine institutions for children with behavior problems. In total, about 575 charges passed through these institutions. The boarding-house at the Special School (No. 93 Nawrot Street) could support 50…
In the interwar years, those overseeing the welfare of children and youths made it a priority to provide them with recreational activities during the summer. Each year, a relatively small number of children—mainly those under special care of the…
Those running the summer camps were committed to round-the-clock comprehensive child care. Here, at a camp located in Rabka, we are offered a view of the clinic, where a nurse is busy taking care of young patients.
Children were assured consistent, high-quality nutrition for the duration of their stay at the summer camps. In this photograph, children are gathered at lunchtime in the dining hall at a camp located in Rabka.
Summer day camps were organized by the local government of Łodź, and offered on a regular basis to public-school children aged 7–14 and recruited (irrespective of ethnicity or religion) from the poorest working-class neighborhoods. Summer day camps…
The green areas in two Łódź city parks were offered up for use to the summer day camps. The first such a location was Prince Józef Poniatowski Park, and the second, established in the early 1920s, was the Park May 3rd, which served as a meeting place…
Summer day camps were held in two courses during the vacation months (July and August), on a daily basis (excluding holidays) from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Camp attendees were entitled to three free meals a day. Here the photographer has happened upon…
The activities of the summer day-camp took place in the space of two large playing fields. A swimming pool was located nearby. Twin lounges were constructed next to the fields to serve the needs of the children. The photograph pictures the inside of…
At a local night shelter, homeless men stand or sit on cots constructed from nailed-together boards. Shabbily dressed men with overgrown beards and mustaches strike a pose for a group photo. While most of the men wear caps, a few are sporting brimmed…
At the center of this postcard photo featuring Sienkiewicz Park stands a fountain in the shape of a swan surrounded by cherubs. It is encircled by a flowerbed in full bloom. People enjoying the park stroll about or rest on benches, conversing and…