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A dentist's office providing services under the auspices of the Sick Fund (Kasa Chorych). In the photo, female dentists treat two women reclining in dentist's chairs.
The Municipal Sanatorium for Patients with tuberculosis in Chojny (then a village southwest of Łódź) was created in 1918 on Dr. Seweryn Sterling's initiative. 80 patients in the initial stages of tuberculosis could be treated at the facility…
At the Institute for Physical Therapy children were exposed to light treatments using UV lamps. Here eight young patients stand in a circle, their bare chests illuminated. Three large specialized lamps provide the source of light. The children are…
Small children are resting or (in most cases) sleeping on the deck chairs filling this large room. The present photo was taken at nap time inside the Seventh Municipal Preschool. The new two-building structure built by the Łódź City Council in 1927…
In 1927 the Łódź City Council established nine institutions for children with behavior problems. In total, about 575 charges passed through these institutions. The boarding-house at the Special School (No. 93 Nawrot Street) could support 50…
In the interwar years, those overseeing the welfare of children and youths made it a priority to provide them with recreational activities during the summer. Each year, a relatively small number of children—mainly those under special care of the…
Those running the summer camps were committed to round-the-clock comprehensive child care. Here, at a camp located in Rabka, we are offered a view of the clinic, where a nurse is busy taking care of young patients.
Children were assured consistent, high-quality nutrition for the duration of their stay at the summer camps. In this photograph, children are gathered at lunchtime in the dining hall at a camp located in Rabka.
At a local night shelter, homeless men stand or sit on cots constructed from nailed-together boards. Shabbily dressed men with overgrown beards and mustaches strike a pose for a group photo. While most of the men wear caps, a few are sporting brimmed…
At the center of this postcard photo featuring Sienkiewicz Park stands a fountain in the shape of a swan surrounded by cherubs. It is encircled by a flowerbed in full bloom. People enjoying the park stroll about or rest on benches, conversing and…