Browse Items (226 total)
Here the photographer has captured daily life at a house situated on the bank of the Łódka River. A girl with a schoolbag is running, trying to make it to class on time, while behind her children are having fun with water in the cobble-paved yard.…
Wolborska Street was among the most important streets in the city's Jewish district. It was on Wolborska that the city's first wooden synagogue was built in the mid-19th c. (sometime in the 1860s). This photograph features a view of the street…
This photograph presents one of the many delousing facilities in Łódź at the time of the First World War. Official policy required girls and women being treated at such facilities to have their heads shaved. Here we see this service rendered by a man…
Residential buildings constructed of wood, sharing a neighborhood with factory chimneys, were a familiar sight in Łódź before World War I. Under the Second People's Republic of Poland (1918-1939), the situation changed and such drewniaki ("wood…

Aside from large-scale textile operations, Łódź was also home to numerous smaller firms. A group of men and two teenaged boys in work clothes stand lined up for a photo — these proud workers belong to one of the city's many small brick factories. A…
These single-story wooden bungalows were constructed for peasant workers from nearby villages who had found employment in Łódź's industrial sector. Most residents were employed at workstations for manufacturing operations in Widzew. Such housing…

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Roni Ben Ari speaking about the exhibit “Woven Consciousness” shown in Eretz Israel Museum in Tel Aviv in 2014.