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Pfeiffer’s photograph of the Municipal Educational Cinematograph building seen from the Wodny Market. The inscription above the entry to the cinema reads: “The Municipal Educational Cinematograph.” The trees behind the building belong to the…
The Beginnings

Pfeiffer’s photograph of a paved marketplace, with St. Mary’s Church in the background. The picture frame is packed with shopping and vending people. Looking at it we can almost hear the sound of a bustling bazaar. In the foreground, we see a…
The drawing indicates that the cinema had one main entrance from Aleksandryjska Street, which led to a sizeable hall. From the hall, one would enter a smaller waiting area lit by natural light coming though five large windows. The ticket window was…

Watercolor. Sold by Rempex Auction, April 2015
The activities of the summer day-camp took place in the space of two large playing fields. A swimming pool was located nearby. Twin lounges were constructed next to the fields to serve the needs of the children. The photograph pictures the inside of…
Summer day camps were held in two courses during the vacation months (July and August), on a daily basis (excluding holidays) from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Camp attendees were entitled to three free meals a day. Here the photographer has happened upon…
The green areas in two Łódź city parks were offered up for use to the summer day camps. The first such a location was Prince Józef Poniatowski Park, and the second, established in the early 1920s, was the Park May 3rd, which served as a meeting place…