One of numerous Bałuty courtyards pictured in wintertime. The roofs of wooden houses are covered with a thick layer of snow, and large icicles hang from their eaves. In the courtyard, next to a wooden shed, we can see a large piece of…
It's a calm, sunny day in this courtyard located off Jakub Street. Two young boys with caps askew sit together on the cobblestone pavement, engrossed in play. Perchance they are playing with chestnuts gathered from the big tree standing nearby?
Here we see one of the many small retail courtyards animating the Old Market district, distantly reminiscent of a shopping arcade. Its broad entry archways allow for access of rather large delivery trucks .
A view of the first yard of the the former brewery of brothers Gehlig. By the 1930's no beer was brewed here anymore, and the space belonging to the factory had been rented out for use as stores and warehouses.
The retail courts once found on Nowomiejska Street resembled today's shopping malls. In this one, the ground floor was occupied by warehouses, shops and various services while the second floor with its wooden gallery housed residential apartments. In…
At the time, Nowomiejska Street saw more commerce than any other in Łódź. Shops and service businesses occupied every nook and cranny in both the front and courts of the buildings lining this street. Thickly distributed across the space of this…
In this Bałuty courtyard, several children are having fun filling enameled buckets with water from a pump. Not far from the buckets there stands a large barrel—such barrels were used for making sour cabbage and storing salted herring.