These single-story wooden bungalows were constructed for peasant workers from nearby villages who had found employment in Łódź's industrial sector. Most residents were employed at workstations for manufacturing operations in Widzew. Such housing…
Here the photographer has captured daily life at a house situated on the bank of the Łódka River. A girl with a schoolbag is running, trying to make it to class on time, while behind her children are having fun with water in the cobble-paved yard.…
In this Bałuty courtyard, several children are having fun filling enameled buckets with water from a pump. Not far from the buckets there stands a large barrel—such barrels were used for making sour cabbage and storing salted herring.
This residence, located at No. 15 Lutomirska Street and seen here from the intersection of Lutomirska and Stodolniana Streets, belonged to the distinguished Drewniczow family, longtime residents of Łódź. A driveway leading out from the Bus Station…
This wooden multi-story house with an addition was situated just behind the lodge. Eight children stand in the yard posing for the photograph. A man and woman are busy hanging laundry out to dry while three young women observe the scene from their…
Many Łódź workers lost their jobs during the First World War. The material conditions in which the city's residents lived were dire. Food staples—such as bread, flour, potatoes and milk—were scarce. Prices had flown through the ceiling. The city's…
This portrait of two Jewish women bears witness to the extent of the poverty Lodzers suffered in the World-War-I era. Though barefoot and dressed in rags, they are smiling thanks to the victuals in their baskets, which they procured for their…
The Church of the Assumption of the Most Holy Virgin Mary as seen from the topmost floor of a tenement house located on the rear courtyard at No. 9 Zgierska Street. In the foreground we see buildings belonging to the Church Square, No. 9 Zgierska…
One of numerous Bałuty courtyards pictured in wintertime. The roofs of wooden houses are covered with a thick layer of snow, and large icicles hang from their eaves. In the courtyard, next to a wooden shed, we can see a large piece of…
One of the houses located on the Old Market Square as viewed from its rear courtyard. While many residences in the Old Town seemed quite presentable from the front, sadly, some backyards were the very image of poverty and desolation.