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  • Tags: porters
In this photograph, we are shown a market stall specializing in fabrics. A number of men attired in gabardines mill around near the booth. One man's appearance gives away his profession—he is wearing a characteristic porter's rope across his…
Looking down Piotrowska Street from No. 26. The sign from a publicity sale on inexpensive books still hangs in the display window of the N.F. Otelsberg bookstore. Piotrkowska is bustling: in the crowd we can make out a man and a boy in traditional…
Close to No. 27 Piotrowska Street, a porter weighed down with a load of textile wares (various bolts of cloth) walks along the gutter in the photographer's direction. A young bicyclist cruises just a few feet behind him. Piotrowska Street effervesces…