David Wolf Abbe-Death Certificate
David Wolf Abbe-Death Certificate
The patriarch of a large family of weavers that settled in Łódź and Pabianice, David Wolf Abbe was the first Jew to have been received as a master in the Weavers’ Guild. He has also been credited by historians with the discovery of a new method of yarn production. Mania Piwnik was his granddaughter. His grandson and Mania's cousin, Samuel Abbe, opened a small factory, which the Nazis later turned into the infamous Radogoszcz prison—today the site of a museum.
Izaak Kersz, Szkice z dziejów Gminy Żydowskiej oraz cmentarza w Łodzi (Łódź: Oficyna Bibliofilow, 1996), 31. A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE RADOGOSZCZ PRISON http://www.muzeumtradycji.pl/1-historia/?lang=en
The State Archives in Łódź
archival document
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Sostoi͡alosʹ v gorad” Lodzi i͡anvari͡a vosmogo dvadt͡sotogo dni͡a tysi͡acha vosemsot” vosemʹdesat” devi͡atogo goda v” desi͡atʹ chasov utra i͡avilsi͡a Ėlii͡ash” Maĭzelʹ mi͡astnyĭ Rabbin” v” prisutstvii Roberta Karpiera pi͡atidesi͡ati let” i Berka Kona pi͡atidesi͡ati let” ot” rodu mi͡astnyх” targovt͡sev” i ob”i͡avili Nam” chto v” Lodzi I͡anvari͡a shestogo vosemnadt͡satogo dni͡a tokushchego goda umer” David” Volek” Аbbe pi͡atidesi͡ati semi let” ot” rodu syn” Gersha i Ryvki suprugov” Аbbe rabotnik” postoi͡ashchiĭ zhitelʹ goroda Lodzi ostavil” posle sebi͡a ovdovevshui͡u svoi͡u zhenu Dobru. Po naochnam” udostoverenii okonchen” Davida Volka Аbbe, akt seĭ prisutstvui͡ushchim prochitan” nami i imi podpisan”.
It happened in the city of Lodz, on January 8th/20th, 1889, at 10 a.m.; Eliasz Majzel, the local rabbi, appeared in the company of Robert Karpier, age 50, and Berek Kon, age 50, local merchants, and declared that in the city of Lodz on the 6th/18th of January of this year died Dawid Wolek Abbe, age 57, the son of Hersz and Rywka, married name Abbe; worker, residing permanently in Lodz; left a widowed wife Dobra. Having personally ascertained the death of Dawid Wolek Abbe, this document was read to the witnesses and signed below.
“David Wolf Abbe-Death Certificate,” Jewish Life in Interwar Łódź , accessed March 13, 2025, https://jewish-lodz.iu.edu/items/show/119.