In the interwar years, those overseeing the welfare of children and youths made it a priority to provide them with recreational activities during the summer. Each year, a relatively small number of children—mainly those under special care of the…
Children were assured consistent, high-quality nutrition for the duration of their stay at the summer camps. In this photograph, children are gathered at lunchtime in the dining hall at a camp located in Rabka.
Those running the summer camps were committed to round-the-clock comprehensive child care. Here, at a camp located in Rabka, we are offered a view of the clinic, where a nurse is busy taking care of young patients.
Wooden homes and tall apartment buildings made of brick or stone, cobblestone streets—whether one found oneself in one of the city's northern districts, like Bałuty, or in midtown, such an architectural landscape was characteristic of pre-war Łódź.…
By a ruling of Parliament on April 23, 1937, National Independence Day was designated a Polish state holiday—and, significantly, a day off from work. Previously, it had been a day off only for educators and government administration. This photo…
Article 1 of a ruling announced in the Journal of Laws, Isuue 33, for April 23, 1937 reads: "The day of November 11, marking the anniversary of the attainment of national independence by the Polish People and permanently bound up with the great name…
November 11th was treated as a special day in the Second People's Republic. On this day, military parades were organized and important celebrations were held at the state level. In addition, during a special ceremony held at the Presidential Palace…
This photograph from 1912 shows the oldest buildings on Nowomiejska Street. Raised around the year 1820, these homes were intended for wool weavers settling in the vicinity of the New Town (Nowe Miasto). After World War I, these buildings were…
During World War I, the material and medical conditions in which Łódź residents lived were dire. The lack of detergents, especially of regular soap, made proper upkeep of personal hygiene nearly impossible. Communicable diseases such as cholera,…
A panorama of Łódź at the end of the 18th century in a stylized picture from the 1960s or 70s. In this artistic rendition, Łódź is shown during the pre-industrial phase of its history, when it was still a small agrarian settlement. We can see the…