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Perforated board .jpg
Perforated board through which the thread passes in a Jacquard loom. This board would have been used for Jacquard lettering on the border of the cloth and for the warp preparation machine.
Close to No. 27 Piotrowska Street, a porter weighed down with a load of textile wares (various bolts of cloth) walks along the gutter in the photographer's direction. A young bicyclist cruises just a few feet behind him. Piotrowska Street effervesces…
Small children are resting or (in most cases) sleeping on the deck chairs filling this large room. The present photo was taken at nap time inside the Seventh Municipal Preschool. The new two-building structure built by the Łódź City Council in 1927…
A 1923 poster advertising an event at the Municipal Educational Cinematograph in Łódź. The programming is typical for this theater: a mixture of educational documentaries about exotic locales, nature, and industrial settings.
This school building at Aleksandrówska Street in Bałuty, was designed by the Polish architect Wiesław Lisowski and raised between 1927 and 1932. An expressive comb-crest crowns the building's main facade. A similar triangle motif appears in the…
Here we are shown the interior of a classroom at the Public School on Olsztyńska Street. The room was built to hold 48 students. Two wooden chairs stand neatly behind each desk, and all 24 desktops are equipped with inkwells. On the wall above the…
In this photograph, taken at the junction of Piotrowska and Pusta Streets, we see two government buildings, built in 1825–1826, rising up on either side of Piotrowska. Before the war, one of these buildings housed the Ignatowicz Brothers…