Browse Items (226 total)
Children's Preventorium, established in Łagiewniki in 1920 for children infected with tuberculosis. At this facility, children could rest in conditions favorable to their recovery. One of the establishment's founders, Seweryn Sterling was a…
Ad from the Yiddish newspaper Najer Folksblat publicizing a 1930 screening of The Promised Land (Ziemia Obiecana) at the movie theater Raj in Bałuty. There is a particular poignance in this film version of Władysław Reymont's celebrated novel about…

The Beginnings

The text of this song, satirizing the dismal living conditions in low-income rentals, would be readily understood by the inhabitants of impoverished working-class districts in any of Poland’s small or big cities. But the conditions it lampooned were…

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A view of the pond on the river Jasień. In the distance one can see a group of farm buildings belonging to the Scheibler family. On Sundays or other days after work nearby Łódź residents would flock to the pond for rest and relaxation, perhaps to…
This bookstore's window display is packed with patriotic decoration: the Polish state emblem and a portrait of Józef Piłsudski announce National Independence Day, celebrated for the first time on October 11, 1937. This modern bookstore was the…
The first home for children endangered by tuberculosis was set up in Tuszynek in 1927. The home boasted six sleeping wards and a large dining area (pictured here). In the photo, several dozen girls being treated at the facility sit around a large…
In 1927 the Łódź City Council established nine institutions for children with behavior problems. In total, about 575 charges passed through these institutions. The boarding-house at the Special School (No. 93 Nawrot Street) could support 50…
A view of a school building constructed in 1923–24 in the Polish Manorial Style (a style in Polish architecture of the late IX and early XX cc). Several nearby buildings, all constructed in the same aesthetic, served as teachers' dormitories. The…
Ad from the Yiddish newspaper Najer Folksblat publicizing a 1926 screening of The Thief of Baghdad at the movie theater Luna, one of the most elegant cinema venues in Łódź. The special effects and visual magic made this 1924 film, based on The…
