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Ad from the Yiddish newspaper Najer Folksblat publicizing a 1928 program at the government-run Municipal Educational Cinematograph in Łódź. The main feature advertised was Fritz Lang's newly-completed masterpiece Metropolis. An expressionist dystopia…
This delousing facility was but one of many in Łódź at the time of the First World War. Official policy required boys and men being treated at such facilities to have their heads shaved. Here we see this service rendered by a man in medical garb.
Representatives of the armed forces, clerics, and members of various social and political associations took part in these 3rd of May parades, which were organized by city government. This kind of public festivity was wildly popular, as we can see…
The 3rd of May National Holiday celebration. A formal procession complete with marching band makes its way along Piotrkowska Street. The year 1922 is embroidered on the banner of the National Workers' Party (a political party with anti-Semitic…

Watercolor. Sold by Rempex Auction, April 2015
The paths of the Goldbergs’ ancestors have been reconstructed through meticulous archival research. These documents tell a story that goes back to the late 18th century. We follow members of a handful of families as they seek new life in a dynamic…
On their first date, in 1937, the Goldbergs took a leisurely stroll through the Julianow Park, 1.5 miles away and only a half an hour’s walk from their homes in Bałuty. This photograph was taken at a later date in the same park—at this point, Mania…
Arrangement of four photographs taken during an outing by the pond at the Julianów Park. In the upper left a picture inscribed “Julianów 1937” showing Mania and Zanvel, in bathing suits, stand in thigh-deep water. Moving clockwise: Mania and Zanvel…