Interview with Zanvel and Mania Goldberg: first date in the Julianów Park.


Interview with Zanvel and Mania Goldberg: first date in the Julianów Park.


Mania Piwnik met Zanvel Goldberg in 1937, while he was on a spring break from his military service. When they met for their first date, the took a long walk to the Julianów Park, located north of the Jewish quarter.

In this recording excerpt, they try to recall the date of their first encounter.

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Z.G.=Zenon Goldberg
M.G.=Maria Goldberg
H.G.=Halina Goldberg
Z.G. …myśmy się zapoznali się jak ja byłem…
M.G. …na urlopie…
Z.G. …na urlopie – ale na... nie na wiosennym… nie na letnim, tylko…
M.G. …na jesiennym,
Z.G. …tylko na Boże Narodzenie…
H.G. - To się poznaliście w takim razie…
M.G. … na Boże Narodzenie…
H.G. …w 36…
M.G. …w 36 roku …
H.G. - Tak, bo w 37 w Wielkanoc… w Pesach… to już mamę na randkę wziąłeś…
Z.G. … zaraz Mania…nie!…
M.G. Nie, … w 35 roku…
Z.G. …W 35 poszedłem do wojska… Czy ja się z tobą nie zapoznałem, jak byłem na wielkanocnym urlopie?
M.G. … na wielkanocnym urlopie…
H.G. W 36?
Z.G. W 37 roku…
M.G. Tak… A poszliśmy na spacer do Julianowa…
Z.G. Tak…




Z.G.=Zenon Goldberg
M.G.=Maria Goldberg
H.G.=Halina Goldberg
Z.G. …we became acquainted when I was…
M.G. …on leave…
Z.G. …on leave – but not on ... not on spring… not on summer, but…
M.G. …on autumn,
Z.G. …but on Christmas [leave]…
H.G. – So you became acquainted, in this case …
M.G. … during Christmas…
H.G. …in [19] 36…
M.G. …in [19] 36 …
H.G. – yes, because in [19]37 during Easter … during Pesach… you already took mom on a date…
Z.G. … wait, Mania…no!…
M.G. No, … in [19]35 …
Z.G. …in [19]35 I entered the military service … Did I not become acquainted with you while I was on Easter leave?
M.G. … on Easter leave…
H.G. In [19]36?
Z.G. In [19]37 …
M.G. Yes … and we went for a walk in Julianów [Park]…
Z.G. Yes…



“Interview with Zanvel and Mania Goldberg: first date in the Julianów Park.,” Jewish Life in Interwar Łódź , accessed March 9, 2025,