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The Łódź fire brigade purchased its first gasoline-fueled fire engines and pumps between 1920 and 1925. Until 1926 these operated alongside the traditional horse-drawn fleet. In 1935, 5 new fire trucks, 10 tankers, a passenger vehicle, breathing…

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At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the situation of factory workers was bleak. The low pay and grueling work, that was also done by children, caused the laborers to take to the streets. In the last years of the 19th century, workers protests…

By the end of the 19th century, the amateur choral movement took root, with organizations such as "Lira," "Hazomir" and "Szir" sprouting in small towns and big cities. In Łódź, "Hazomir" was established in 1899 as the Jewish Literary and Musical…

During the interwar period numerous newspapers were published in Polish and Yiddish to meet the needs of diverse readerships. Haynt, Vort, Folks-tsaytung, Moment, Szpilki, Nasz Przegląd, and Letste Nayes are being sold at this newsstand.

The Jewish Democratic Folk Bloc (Żydowski Demokratyczny Blok Ludowy), represented the Jewish Folkists (Yidishe folkspartei), progressive party with a middle class, craftsmen, and intelligentsia base, who endorsed the use of Yiddish language and…

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Cushion for the shuttle-transferring bar in an under pick loom. The shuttle-transferring bar gives a push to the shuttle carrying a bobbin with the weft thread, to move it to the other side; after the push, the bar returns by a spring and is buffered…

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Cushion for the shuttle-transferring bar in an under pick loom. The shuttle-transferring bar gives a push to the shuttle carrying a bobbin with the weft thread, to move it to the other side; after the push, the bar returns by a spring and is buffered…

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Perforated board through which the thread passes in a Jacquard loom. This board would have been used for Jacquard lettering on the border of the cloth and for the warp preparation machine.

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Drawer/tray for storing parts, screws, etc.